The Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch

A Primary Source Library of American Citizenship

The Supreme Court is the most powerful branch of the government because it determines the constitutionality of laws. Its decisions have major consequences on the political, social, and judicial landscape of the nation. This book clearly explains how the federal and state judiciary systems function and how the appeals process works in determining which cases do end up being decided by the Court.

* Reviews *

Series Review: A Primary Source Library of American Citizenship
"This series could well be a breakthrough for those struggling to teach government to lower level readers. Each book is rich with colorful photos of primary sources related to the topic. Every level reader will find a wealth of insights and fascinating facts. RECOMMENDED."
--Library Media Connection
Library Bound Book List: $29.13 / S&L: $21.85

Reading Level: 5

Interest Level: 5-8

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-4478-1
Author : Anne Beier
Copyright : 2004
Language : English
Category : Social Studies, American History
Pages : 32
Trim : 7 1/8" x 8 1/2"
Dewey : 347.73
ATOS : 5.5
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : Social Studies, American History
Binding : Library
