Medieval Philosophy

The History of Philosophy

The burgeoning of Christianity throughout Europe saw an attendant transformation in the field of philosophy. The philosophers of the Middle Ages endeavored to reconcile two seemingly incompatible concepts: religion and reason. While both ultimately involve belief in something, their approaches differ radically. By drawing extensively from the work of their predecessors, like Plato and Aristotle, medieval philosophers were able to find logical bases for their theological beliefs, thus using rationality to better comprehend their faith. This fascinating volume looks at the individuals who pioneered these new schools of thought and their lasting effects on our understanding of the nature of reality.

* Reviews *

Series Review: The History of Philosophy
"This thoughtfully organized and well-detailed series will be useful to students across the curriculum. Each book contains a helpful introduction and a detailed table of contents...All are illustrated with b&w photos that are helpful to the subject matter and appropriately placed within the text...These books will be helpful and informative, not only to students studying philosophy, but also to those studying history and literature. They are an excellent AP resource."
--Library Media Connection
Library Bound Book List: $38.59 / S&L: $32.80
eBook List: $38.59 / S&L: $32.80

Reading Level: 10

Interest Level: 9-12+

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-6153-0143-0
Author : Brian Duignan
Copyright : 2011
Language : English
Category : Ancient Civilizations, World History
Pages : 208
Trim : 6" x 9"
Dewey : 189
Subject : Ancient Civilizations, World History
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF025100
Maps • Index • Bibliography • Glossary
