Let's Visit France

Around the World

This colorful book takes your readers on holiday to France. They'll learn all there is to see and do, while learning about geography and French culture.

* Reviews *

Book Review: Let's Visit France
"This is another great book in the series Around the World. This reads like a travelogue and the reader is sure to have a wonderful time on this vacation...This book has a user-friendly feel to it, with personal touches placed throughout the book...It's a very enjoyable read that makes you want to have the experience first hand."
--Nancy Stabler, Louise Cabaniss Elementary
Library Bound Book List: $28.93 / S&L: $21.70

Reading Level: 2-3

Interest Level: 2-5

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4358-3026-4
Author : Susie Brooks
Copyright : 2010
Language : English
Category : Social Studies, World History
Pages : 32
Trim : 8 1/2" x 10 1/2"
Dewey : 914.404/84
ATOS : 4.1
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : Social Studies, World History
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF025080, JNF038060
