Yellow Jackets

Scavengers: Eating Nature's Trash

Fascinating insects, yellow jackets are aggressive wasps that like to eat rotting fruits and meat. Many people fear yellow jackets for their reputation as quick to sting. Yet they are just trying to protect themselves and their nests. Inside the nest are larvae that they care for and feed and which, in turn, provide adult yellow jackets with food for part of their lives. Once the larvae grow up, the food source disappears and so yellow jackets head out looking for sweet juices found in rotting fruit and soda cans. Readers will learn a lot more about yellow jackets and what else they eat when they are not scavenging.

Library Bound Book List: $25.27 / S&L: $18.95
eBook List: $25.27 / S&L: $18.95

Reading Level: 2-3

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4777-6596-8
Author : Emma Carlson Berne
Copyright : 2015
Language : English
Category : Animals
Pages : 24
Trim : 9" x 9"
Dewey : 595.79
ATOS : 4.6
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : Animals
Binding : Library
BISAC : JNF003000, JNF051150
Pronunciation Guide • Glossary • Index • Web Sites
